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A Year has Passed

August 27, 2009


It’s been a year since I was here. Nice to see it wasn’t taken down, but I feel quite concerted that I haven’t kept up with it. There is a time for everything and perhaps it’s now the time to delve back into this.

Exciting year. I taught high school English to at-risk students for a year and was laid off due to budget cuts. I prayed and sent blessings for myself and more importantly for the kids everyday. I hope I taught them more than readin’ & writin’. I hope I planted seeds for them to expand their minds and their worlds.

I also became a Reiki Master and will be offering energy work. I throughly enjoy energy work and think it is a WONDERFUL way to clear out your mind and derbis from the 3-D. 3-D isn’t all that easy to deal with and when a few moments of directed thought can help, there really is no reason not to do it.

Here I will discuss things I’m thinking about or find on the internet.

Let’s let Spirit into this and see where we go.



Angel Numbers/ Master Numbers

August 18, 2008

We all could use some help. We often wonder if our angels and guides are with us.

I started seeing number sequences frequently. 111, 222, 333 etc. So, I had to check it out and came across the Angel Numbers phenomena. It seems many are encountering these numbers and are seeking their meaning. If you search the web, you can find what they mean or you can get Doreen Virtue & Lynnette Brown’s book ANGEL NUMBERS. I have not purchased it yet but intend on doing so.

I like the idea of knowing what the meanings are and that they do speak to us.

There is also the idea that some of these numbers trigger DNA activation. Usually the double numbers, 1010, 1111, 1212, etc. when you see these you are supposed to pause allow the activation to happen.

Here is a link to an explanation of that: .

I really like the Crystalinks site. You can find info on anything of a metaphysical nature.

Hello there

August 17, 2008

I’m going to use this to post things I come across on the ‘net that are of a spiritual, metaphysical, aliens, etc…You catch my drift.

These things interest me and I seem to come across stuff like this all the time. I’ll post news articles, links, whatever I come across.
